Welcome to Plan My Deployment

Supporting service members and their families and loved ones throughout the deployment cycle

Here, you’ll find task checklists, resources and articles to help you prepare for all phases of the deployment cycle. The information is organized in three phases: predeployment, deployment, and reunion and reintegration. Think of this as your deployment how-to guide.

This is the period leading up to deployment. It’s a busy time where service members undergo training, briefings, medical evaluations and counseling. Families work together to address financial and legal matters, and everyone prepares themselves emotionally for the upcoming deployment.

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This phase begins with the physical movement of individuals and units from their home installation to the designated location of deployment. Service members and their families and loved ones face the realities of being separated and what that means for them. Finding ways to stay connected and communicate is especially important during this phase.

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This is the process of returning to home station. Service members return home, complete post-deployment recovery and administrative requirements and begin reintegrating into home station. This includes adjusting into family life and the community as well as getting back to regular military duties. Service members and their families focus on adjusting to life together.

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