
During predeployment, service members work closely with family members and loved ones to complete various tasks before deployment. It’s a busy time where service members undergo training, briefings, medical evaluations and counseling. Families work together to address financial and legal matters, and everyone prepares themselves emotionally for the upcoming deployment. Here, you’ll find articles and resources relevant to service members, family members and loved ones. You can also select and print a list of predeployment tasks and considerations.


Soldier briefing others
National Guard and Reserves: Things to Know about Deployment

If you or your loved one is a member of the National Guard or reserves, balancing military service and civilian life isn’t always easy — especially when you’re preparing for deployment. Use the information below to help you through the preparation process.

Air Force Pilots ready to deploy
Deployment Overview

As a part of the military community, the potential for long deployments away from home, family and loved ones can be a constant reality. Understanding what to expect, including the phases and possible impacts of deployment, may help you and your loved ones cope with the changes ahead.

Hand holding calculator
Financial Matters: Five Steps to Take Before Deployment

There’s definitely a lot to think about while preparing for deployment, but it’s important to make finances a top priority. Set aside time to review finances with your loved ones before deployment so that you can have peace of mind down the road. Here are five steps to help you prepare financially for deployment.

Files hanging in waiting room
Legal Matters: Steps to Take Before Deployment

Your to-do list before a deployment may be long, but it’s worth taking the time to go over legal matters with your loved ones. Use the information below to get familiar with key legal items to take care of before deployment.

Soldier and her daughter
Supporting Children and Youth During Deployment

Each situation is different, and every child may react differently. Understanding how to support children during deployment begins with paying close attention to their reactions and using available resources when needed.

Tasks & Considerations

Tasks & Considerations


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